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Create Primary Account for Your Organization
Each organization applying for grant funding from the BAAQMD can register for a grant proposal account. This account will be associated uniquely to the organization's legal name (the legal equipment owner) and must be created by an executive within the organization who can approve grant applications, represent his or her organization in contracts with the District, and manage their organization's account with the District.
Create Third Party Account
Third Party accounts exist for third parties to assist in the grant proposal application process of applicant organizations. Third Party accounts need to be created before they can be associated with a grant applicant organization.
Please Note: The online application requires that you have an email address. If you do not currently have an email address, you may establish one with a web-based service such as Yahoo, Hotmail, Google Mail, etc. The funding process requires that you regularly check the email account for messages about your project. Most business of the program will be transacted through email and other electronic means, using your email address as an identifier for your project.